Friday, June 1, 2012

New blog

I made another blog for UTAU stuff.  Main reason I made it was to be my UTAUloid's website, since UTAU Wikia requires a website.  I'm gonna draw art, then all I have to do is make my 3 voicebanks and cover a song.  Or finish one voicebank and cover a song with my actual voice.  Since the UTAU sounds the same as me and stuff.

Go there now.  Follow those posts too.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Death Note and UTAU

WOW! I haven't posted in a while.  Anyway, lemme get you up to speed.  First, I'd like to say that it's getting harder for me to roleplay as Canada on dA.  Why?  Because I'm reading the Death Note manga!  It's so awesome, you guys gotta read it too!  Here's a link, it's not Mangafox because they didn't have it:

After that I'm going to watch the live-action movies, then I'll watch the anime.  Also, I have this one black notebook, and I wrote 'DEATH NOTE' on the inside cover.  It's just a notebook, I use it for notebook-ing purposes, if that's the word for it.  But now I'm writing deaths for fictional characters.  Like how one of them is for the death of Meep Guo!  Meep Guo is a Hetalia OC that my friend Neko came up with, and it's actually a hamster.  But now it's ded :(

Also, I've been working on the UTAU Wikia a bit more.  I started up a new UTAUloid series, the Rogue-loids.  So far I've put 3 of them on the Proposed UTAUloids (collective) page.  The first is Bakane Gureru, the second is Bureine Kiku, and the third is Kurone Raito.  All three of them were named after anime characters, Grell, Japan, and Light, respectively.  Here's who they are in a nutshell: Gureru is Celestia's stupid assistant, Kiku is a mystery demon, and Raito is the Black Angel.  Also, I'm putting the Dark and Light Voices on the page as well to make sure that I have those pages reserved.  Being the offline person I am, I would normally just make those pages and say that people can't take them.  But I guess I should do this the normal way.

I'm probably going to scrap the old websites I started building and make one for Zeldaria Vaamidian, so that I can just keep the Dark and Light Voices and the Rogue-loids on one website.  It'll be easier for me that way. And I think I'll just stick to the Google Site, the Yola account will be useful later on.  

Anyway, that's your news update on my going-ons.  You can support me by helping me with my UTAU requests, those are on the UTAU page.  Here's a lollipop for all your hard work! o--

Friday, February 3, 2012


Okay guys, so lately I've been browsing dA.  (And I've gotten into Hetalia, but that's another story.)

(remembers something) Oh yeah! And I got my other computer back.  Yay!

Alright, back on topic.  So I've been active on dA, and I'm browsing stuff.  I've decided to join the group #nonexist-talia and do some other stuff.  But mainly, I've started roleplaying!  I've changed all of my info, so now I'm Canada.  But any artwork that I post, I'm posting it OOC.  The roleplaying is only in comments.  Anyways, I am mainly RPing as Canada, but I could also RP as Poland or my Hetalia OC, AB27 (Mita Souzou)  If there are any groups on dA that need a Canada, you could suggest them to me and I might join.

Bai frr nao. (In my imagination, my characters speak a dialect of Hylian and it's like that)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


:( My other computer was taken away, so now I'm stuck with using my school computer.

How am I supposed to beg for artists now?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Oremo + More Japanese stuff

Yayness! I got Oremo and started recording Kurayami Serena's VCV bank!  Woo! I've also started composing stuff with Anvil Studio, and I made the Kurayami-loids sing something I made.  You can download the mp3 and the UST here:


Wait, you want Oremo too?  Because you heard it's better for recording voicebanks than Audacity? Well, here go you, but this version doesn't come with SetParam.  I'm getting that later.
DL page:

And here's some random 'Word of the Day' thing.  I really wanted to try embedding again.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trick and Treat

I ended up using Haru2849's CV ust, since I really didn't have the time to make my own.  And instead of using Kurayami, I used Akaru.  I hope this sounds nice, I think the vocals are too quiet.


I'm still working on Venomania, don't worry.  I've actually been making a completely new UTAUloid for Kurayami Seth, since just gender-bending Serena doesn't exactly cut it.  When I finish recording, I can make the Gakupo parts and the song will be finished.  I've already done all the other parts.

Also, I've recently created a new set of characters in my imaginary world, the Author Block Earth.  There is an organization called the HCAA (High Council of Authors and Authoresses) that manages the Author Blocks, and I've decided to name some of them.  And since their story closely matches the story of Venomania, it made sense to assign characters to each of the voices.

Kamui Gakupo - Kurayami Seth - Andrew Hall [Leader of HCAA]
Megurine Luka - Akaru Serena - Zeldaria Vaamidian [Isn't this my alias? Maybe I'm just wishing for a night with Andrew.]
Hatsune Miku - HARMON-E - Sandra Verelle [HCAA member, was killed by Andrew]
GUMI - Kurayami Serena - Vaati Kruger [Apparently, he became female and married Ben Kruger]
MEIKO - Meera Constantine -Florence Lorelei [HCAA member, is messenger for AB 20-29]
KAITO (girl) - Ben Kruger (girl) - Ben Kruger (girl) [Dressed up as a girl to trick Andrew]
KAITO (boy) - Ben Kruger (boy) - Ben Kruger (boy) [Came to rescue Vaati]

HARMON-E belongs to Senorcheesekun.  Meera and Ben belong to MsConstantine91 and 1313Destiny1313.  Vaati belongs to Nintendo, but the story I created for him her is far from any canonical information.  And Zeldaria Vaamidian is actually a character I created, but that's my name as an UTAU producer. 

Hopefully, I'll be publishing this song next time!