Friday, February 3, 2012


Okay guys, so lately I've been browsing dA.  (And I've gotten into Hetalia, but that's another story.)

(remembers something) Oh yeah! And I got my other computer back.  Yay!

Alright, back on topic.  So I've been active on dA, and I'm browsing stuff.  I've decided to join the group #nonexist-talia and do some other stuff.  But mainly, I've started roleplaying!  I've changed all of my info, so now I'm Canada.  But any artwork that I post, I'm posting it OOC.  The roleplaying is only in comments.  Anyways, I am mainly RPing as Canada, but I could also RP as Poland or my Hetalia OC, AB27 (Mita Souzou)  If there are any groups on dA that need a Canada, you could suggest them to me and I might join.

Bai frr nao. (In my imagination, my characters speak a dialect of Hylian and it's like that)

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