Saturday, September 3, 2011

Official Pairings of Zeldaria

Alright, I've chosen my favorite pairings to publish.  There are two in each single catagory and one in the cross over catagory.  And now to see what we have:

Zelda Pairings
First up we have Vaati x Midna.  I got the idea for this pairing early on, before I knew a lot about Zelda.  I thought Vaati was awesome and decided to pair him up with Midna in her true form. 
Another one of those early pairings was Zelda x Ganondorf.  She spends most of the game with him, so she has a lot of time to get to know him. 

Phineas and Ferb Pairings
Now these pairings are the most obvious in the world.  Phineas x Isabella are definitely at the top of the list.  Don't we all know how much Isabella loves Phineas?  Candace x Jeremy are already canon, so why bother proclaiming it on my blog?  Oh yeah, because this post would be incomplete without two things under Phineas and Ferb. 

Vocaloid Pairings
My favorite is Rin x Len.  The best version of the song Magnet is the one where they sing.  That's pretty much the least weird.  I also have Miku and Kaito.  Miku shouldn't be with her older brother (Mikuo) or with another girl (Luka) or with any un-officials (Luki and Akaito).  Kaito, despite being 4 years older, would be the best choice. 

Fairly OddParents Pairings
I believe that Timmy x Tootie is the best and most realistic idea for this catagory.  You've probably already seen Grow Up Timmy Turner and the ending.  I just hope that they get married and have kids.  And for the the other pairing, we have... Cosmo x Wanda?  I really have no proof that they're married, so they still count. 

And the final pairing is...
Link x Danny Phantom!

And not just any Link, it has to be the grandson of TP Link.  This Link is the most powerful of all, but must maintain a balance of Light and Dark.  He goes into the Nickelodeon Universe with Sam Hays and Brian Wolfe to look for Darksiders and Shadowflame.  Link first visits Danny Phantom's world and at first believes that Danny was a Darksider because of his Dark ghostly power.  But after getting a closer look, Link finds out that his soul is made of pure Light.  Link reveals his own power to him and to test it out, he asks Danny to attack him.  But then too much Darkness surrounds Link and brings out the Evil Spirits locked inside.  Link becomes a Hylian Vampire Poe of Twilight and the only way to turn him back is to use Light coming from the same source as the Darkness.  But the strongest source of Light coming from Danny is the love he reserves for girls.  And to save Link, Danny must use that Light power of love. He needs to choose between two.  Either save Link and be gay, or leave him to perish and stay straight. 

Oh so sweet and oh so epic! This is too much to be on my blog, it's going straight to Fan Fiction!  This will be a sequel to the story where Link gets all his abilities. 

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